Культурное наследие Севера в цифре.

ставки или презентации, расходы на создание которой минимальны. Успех такого рода презентации заключается в том, что ее легко распространить и большинство людей имеют доступ к платформе, с помощью которой можно просмотреть мультивижн у себя дома, в школе, на вебсайтах и в социальных сетях. Это гораздо увлекательнее, чем обычные картинки, на которые нужно нажать для просмотра; таким образом, с помощью данной презентации вы привлечете гораздо больше людей, чем просто размещая картинки на веб­ сайте. Andersen Evy AT THE SPLIT OF A SECOND: POST-MATHIS 30-MILE-LONG POST ROUTE VIEWED THROUGH PHOTOGRAPHER HENRIK 0RSTED’S CAMERA - A MULTIVISION The library started digitalizing the collection in 1999. Today there are over 30.000 digitalized photos out of a collection counting approximately 120.000 pho­ tos, whereas 13.500 of them are published at the web portal called the Digital Mu­ seum. Most of the collection comes from privately owned pictures taken in Finnmark or pictures lent out to the archives for registration and publishing in the web portal called the Digital Museum. The mission behind the collection is to preserve the history of Finnmark. The law states that a photo is protected by copy­ right for 70 years after the photographers death, but a lot of the material is older than that and has therefore have fallen into public domain and can be downloaded from our portal at the Digital Museum. The collection presented below is copy­ righted by law and the work is considered creative works. Finnmark County Library’s collection of the Danish photographer, Henrik 0rsteds, documenting the Sami mail carrier Mathis Mathisen Buljo, named «Post- Mathis», was chosen to commemorate the 100-year anniversary of the Sami Na­ tional Assembly (in Sami called Traante 2017). A selection of the photographs was assembled into a multivision titled “In a split second”. The multivision was 22