Мурманская государственная областная универсальная научная библиотека = Murmansk state regional universal scientific library / Мурм. гос. обл. универс. науч. б-ка. – Мурманск, 2013.

The Murmansk State Regional Universal Scientific Library has a long history and interesting traditions. It was set up in 1938. Nowadays the library is considered to be the main one on the Kola Peninsula. It's the largest information &cul­ tural center as well as the main depository of local literature in the Murmansk region. Library stock is universal. The total collection is about 2.6 mil­ lions units including periodicals and multimedia materials. Besides the library has the unique collection of rare books published in 18-19 centuries. The local materials' stock is the most valuable part of out­ standing library collection. It consists of issues devoted to the colonization of Murman coast, itineraries and materi­ als of expeditions; documents concerning to the history of Murmansk region, its natural recourses and inhabitants, development of trade and transport system on Kola Penin­ sula; materials about social, economical &cultural life of the region. The library provides the access to electronic informational re­ courses, such as Russian and foreign academic & research journals covering a broad range of subject areas; biblio­ graphic databases; publications of the Russian universities, research and information centers; versions of dissertations and its' abstracts; full-text electronic books; databases on foreign languages. Our users participate in cultural activities such as conferences, festivals, music events, book presentations and so on. The library provides book reading support & promotion of cul­ tural values and socially oriented services for people of all ages and interests. Throughout the time various regional organizations have been good friends and reliable partners of the main library of Murmansk region. The library cooperates with institu­ tions of culture &arts, local authorities, NGOs, professional associations, ecological &medical institutions, private com­ panies, educational institutions and societies of national cultures.