Мурманская государственная областная универсальная научная библиотека = Murmansk state regional universal scientific library / Мурм. гос. обл. универс. науч. б-ка. – Мурманск, 2013.

Murmansk tf anal Univen 'Э° ;^ c has a long hist westing traditions. It was set in 1938. Nowac »ry is considered to be the n one on the Kok sthe largest information & tural center as v» « pository of local literal in the Murman Library stock is u»s! ^ я - ч >bout 2.6 mil­ lions units including jterials. Besides the library h m e tp published in 18-19сеп>-; The local materials'stock is the ■ It M standing library collection. It const t m »■ the colonization of Murman coast, itineran* >.-»> als of expeditions; documents concerning to the histo and inhabitants, іэѵіш* m Ko\a Penin ХѴД^^^ТОф^ЭЧИ^^оЯ^аджіндэМ Л .Э region ,RN ',riN "э ^ - •£Г0£ ,бтѳяб9 : юнемс|уМ The library provides the access to electron courses, such as Russian and foreign acad к I journals covering a broad range of subject areas; biblio­ graphic databases; publications of the Russian universities, research and information centers; versions of dissertations and its' abstracts; full-text electronic books; datab ■ foreign languages. Our users participate in cultural activities su< organizati rs of the main of N * operates with tions of с s, NGOs, profe tutions, priva?- panies, educational instit <?ties of n cultures. £-80-08дМе-г-8^ И82І