Культурное наследие Севера в цифре.
the history and culture of the Kvens, a great number of books have been edited during the years. Academic authors are f.i. Johan Beronka, Venke Olsen, Einar Niemi, Kaisa Maliniemi, and Pia Lane. Non-fiction and fiction authors are f.i. Carl Sch 0 yen, Hans Kristian Eriksen, Idar Kristiansen, Olav Beddari, Bente Pedersen, and Ellen Hofs 0 . The National Library of Norway has undertaken a large-scale digitizing pro ject of Norwegian literature. Therefore, Finnmark County Library considers the digitizing of literature not to be a regional responsibility. However, we can identi fy candidates for digitization and thus, hopefully, help Kven literature and region al literature to move forward in the digitization queue. And of course we will do our best to continue to promote the literature and authors of Finnmark, digitized or not. 122
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