Культурное наследие Севера в цифре.

Использованные источники: Cook, Terry (2011): Controlling the Past. Documenting Society and Institu­ tions. Esseys In Honor o f Helen Willa Samuels. Society o f American Archivists. Meld. St. 7 (2012-2013). Arkiv. ( “White paper No. 7, 2012-2013 ”) Knutsen Heikki WE ARE ALSO HERE! BRINGING AWARENESS TO FORGOTTEN GROUPS - A PROJECT AIMED AT PRESERVING AND PROMOTING ARCHIVAL MATERIAL FROM FIVE SELECTED GROUPS “We are also here! Bringing awareness to forgotten groups” was a project, which aimed at preserving and promoting archival material from five selected groups in Finnmark County in the North of Norway. The selected groups were the Skolt Sami, the fishermen-farmers along the arctic coast, the Sami Reindeer Herders and the foreign minorities. Women in these groups was given a special priority. The project manager was Special Advisor and Archivist Helena Maliniemi at Finnmark County Library, and the project was completed in cooper­ ation with the network «Archives in Finnmark» consisting of museums and ar­ chival institutions. What do we mean by forgotten groups? Before we go deeper in to the project it is necessary to clarify what we mean by “forgotten groups”. The term refers to a group that is poorly documented with a weak representation compared to other groups in preserved documentation. Secondly the term describes a group, which has left only a small amount or no amount of documentation, and where this has gained no public attention in the past. The project idea was based on two comprehensive analyses. The first analy­ sis was a stock analysis of the archives in 21 museums and institutions of archives 78