Культурное наследие Севера в цифре.

in Finnmark, including Finnmark County Library. The second analysis was a so­ cial analysis to reveal the main aspects of the society development in Finnmark County seen in a historical perspective. Comparing these two analyses showed that there was a great insufficiency and inequality in the preserved archive stock in Finnmark. This gave a surprisingly skewed picture of the societal development in the county. Several cornerstone industries - like the fishing industry and the reindeer industry, as well as the combination of fishing and arctic agriculture was clearly under documented. The results showed that several unique and important groups and cultural minorities in the society was not being documented at all in the preserved private archives, such as the Skolts, the fishermen-farmers, the Sami Reindeer Herders and the foreign minorities, including women within these groups. Appraisal is a critical act. There are several reasons why it is important to bring awareness to forgotten groups. In Norway the Archive Act protects only the official records from institu­ tions and authorities of the state, counties and municipalities. The Archive Act states that all bodies are obliged to maintain archives, and that these must be ar­ ranged in such a way that the documents are secured as a source of information and documentation in both present time as well as in the future. The act do not apply to private archives from companies, organizations, political parties and in­ dividuals. This leads to an arbitrary keeping and conservation of private archive material, which means a risk of losing a lot of important documentation of socie­ ty. The result is that researchers and other users of the archives do not have access to primary sources to the history of important social areas and groups of people. Today, Norwegian politics of archives places a lot of attention on the idea that public archives and private archives complement each other, and that they document society from different angles and carry different points of view.15 Ar­ 15 Meld. St. 7 (2012-2013(. Arkiv. (“Report No. 7 to the Storting” ) (https://www.regjeringen.no/contentassets/8c6e9a91aa6d488580c8f1f76563f b52/nn-no/pdfs/stm201220130007000dddpdfs.pdf) 79