Культурное наследие Севера в цифре.
chives created by ordinary individuals tell us more about individuals and groups they are part of, as well as they provide evidence of activities, thoughts and feel ings. They increase our sense of identity and understanding of culture, and even ensure justice. According to the Canadian archivist, Terry Cook, conservation assessment is the most critical act done by archivists.16 American archivist Helen Samuels, known for idea of documentation strategy, have called it the archivist's first re- sponsibility, upon which everything else depends. As archivists appraise records, they are determining what the future will know about its past: who will have a continuing voice and who will be silenced. Archivist thereby co-create the ar chive. We have taken account of these point of views in our project. Archives and documentation from the forgotten groups. Collection and documentation amounted for the first part of the project. With support from the Art Council Norway, two projectworkers were hired to collect archives. Our starting point was that members of the different groups should cre ate the archives, or in some ways document their lives and their activities from their point of view. What did they collect? What were their interests? How do the archive, and its content, document, this group? We managed to collect 60 archives and several thousand photographs during the short period of the project. Alongside collection, interviews and taking photo graphs were done, especially in cases where the group had not left any written documents. In the following are some examples of archives that were preserved druing the project: 1. The Skolt Sami archives: Through the course of the project we discov ered that the Skolts were the most forgotten group of them all. There was a com plete lack of the voice of this Sami minority group, with their own cultural inher 16 Cook, Terry (2011): Controlling the Past. Documenting Society and Institu tions. Esseys In Honor of Helen Willa Samuels. Society of American Archivists. 80
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