Культурное наследие Севера в цифре.

itance and their own language, in the private archives. Traditionally, they have lived in the border area between Norway, Russia and Finland. Today the group is very small in Norway and a part of their distinctive traditions are kept in Neiden in S 0 r-Varanger, but the Skolt Sami language is almost extinct there. In Neiden, we managed to find some archives after individuals with Skolt Sami roots. The archive after the Skolt Sami activist Frans Hallonen from Skoltebyen is one of them. Skoltebyen is today a protected area by the Cultural Heritage Act including St. George Chapel, a Russian Orthodox graveyard and the ruins of a smoke sauna. Through Frans Hallonen archive, one is able to follow the long process for protec­ tion of Skoltebyen and the long fight for rights over salmon fishing in the river of Neiden. We also managed to find other type of Sami archives in S 0 r-Varanger, connected to the skolts 2. Archives from the fishermen-farmers: We found farm archives from families who have been fishing and doing arctic agricultural work for many gen­ erations. Their archives show the work of development and innovations the fami­ lies have done at their farms, and the contribution to the economic development in its municipality. 3. Archives from the foreign minorities: Immigration has been the most important factor to a growth in population in many municipalities in Finnmark af­ ter the Second World War. Finns, tamils, russians and other east-european immi­ grants have been important for labour, especially for the fishing industry. The idea was that through collecting archives from important cornerstones within fishing industry, one was able to keep documentation of the workers in these industries. Also the archives created by the “new migrations” of refugees and asylym seekers were documented in the project. 4. Archives from the Sami Reindeer Herders: One important result is that the projected revealed that it do exists a lot of private archives created by the Sami Reindeer Herders. For example, there are archives from networks, organisa­ tions, political lists and individuals. 81