Культурное наследие Севера в цифре.

5. Womens archives: The archives show that women have had an important role as labour in the filet and fish food industry. Also, their role as a fishermenn- farmer, as well as «semi-nomadic» reindeer herders and as entrepreneur has been invaluable. This perspective were absent and invisible in the archives in Finnmark before this project. Digital dissemination of archives from unforgotten groups. Every month an article about an archive was published on the webside www.finnmarksarkivene.no , often linked to current themes with national mean­ ing. Supposedly many will remember the case in Storskog some years ago where refugees and asylym seekers came on bicycles over the border from Russia to Norway? This summer the celebration of the World Refugee Day featured the Storskog archives which are being kept at the Borderland Museum in Kirkenes. This year’s Nordic Archive day in Finnmark featured lectures and exibitions which lifted the archives of the forgotten groups and the theme was Women in the fishery. Literature Cook, Terry (2011): Controlling the Past. Documenting Society and Institu­ tions. Esseys In Honor o fHelen Willa Samuels. Society o fAmerican Archivists. Meld. St. 7 (2012-2013). Arkiv. ( “White paper No. 7, 2012-2013 ”) 82