Обязательный экземпляр Мурманской области – 2014 : библиографический указатель / Мурм. гос. обл. универс. науч. б-ка ; [сост. О. Н. Фролова ; редкол. : С. А. Медникова и др.]. – Мурманск, 2015. – 149 с.

117 *** A- B Afanasyeva A. 262 Ancient Polar mountains 8 Bakhtun M. (199) Baranov S. V. 100 Barents miscellany 73 Belyaevsky A. T. 47 Bodrova O. A. 74 Brown N. 165 C- D Challenges for the Arctic Region 22, 24 Cooperation in BEAR: problems and prospects 73 Cultural dimensions of teaching and learning foreign languages 179 Danke lena : die traumkarriere der Magdalena Neuner 166 Deutsche Sprache in Politik und Diplomatie 174 Development of Northern territories and Arctic of Russia 116 E - F - H Ecologic and evolutionary research on marine organisms and ecosystems 22 Ecological problems of northern regions and ways for their solution 35 Florensky A. 193 Foraminifera complexes in bottom sediments of the Western Arctic Seas 21 Forum for students and post-graduates theses of reports 22 Hiipinatunturit 32 Hunde würden länger leben, wenn 56 I- K In search of reflex: the Kola Sami in the Russian ethnographical literature of the second half of the 19th - beginning of the 20th centuries 74 Interaction of electromagnetic fields of elf controlled sources with the ionosphere and earth's crust 4 Kant (199) Kant and M. Bakhtun: perpetual peace and dialogue 199 Khibiny tundra 32