Обязательный экземпляр Мурманской области – 2014 : библиографический указатель / Мурм. гос. обл. универс. науч. б-ка ; [сост. О. Н. Фролова ; редкол. : С. А. Медникова и др.]. – Мурманск, 2015. – 149 с.
118 Kinast F. 166 L- M Laser conoscopy of crystals 20 Marine ecosystems and communities in the conditions of current climate changes 17 Mattinson P. 52 Mechanisms of investing in the energy sector of the region of the Far North 112 Mia Winter 226 Mining industry in the Barents Euro-Arctic Region 103 Mityaev M. V. 15 Morphological atlas of the titanium dioxide-based composites modified by Fe³ Ά , Nb Ά and W Ά cations 47 Murman coast 15 N- P Naapurit 263 Neuner M. (166) Northern character 192 Physics of auroral phenomena 36 Pikoul O. Yu. 20 Pobedonostseva G. M. 112 Pobedonostseva V. V. 112 Pogodina I. A. 21 Practical maritime English 175 Practice of using ict in educational process at school and in higher institution 157, 158 Problems and prospects for development of fisheries industry at the present stage 53 Problems in rational use of natural and technogenic Barents region resources in technologies of building and engineering materials 252 Problems of the Arctic Region 23 R- S Reichelt P. 166 Reindeer 54 Scientific and practical approaches in chemistry and technology 45 Sedneva T. A. 47 Semenova N. V. 36
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