Обязательный экземпляр Мурманской области – 2014 : библиографический указатель / Мурм. гос. обл. универс. науч. б-ка ; [сост. О. Н. Фролова ; редкол. : С. А. Медникова и др.]. – Мурманск, 2015. – 149 с.
119 Sidorov N. V. 20 Simulation of regional systems 100 Skufyina T. P. 100 Stepenshchikov D. G. 316 Structural changes of an industrial enterprise as a part of production system of regional economy 123 T Tendencies and peculiarities of innovative industrialization in the Northern regions of the Russian Federation 122 The complete guide to cross-country ski preparation 165 The formation of bioproductivity in the northern Barents Sea in the period of warming in the Arctic 19 The real crystal simple forms 316 Three years before the autumn 91 Total recall : perfic response training for puppies and adult dogs 52 Turchaninova T. V. 123 V- Y - Z Voytekhovsky V. L 316 Yahnin A. G. 36 Ziegler J. 56
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