Обязательный экземпляр Мурманской области – 2017 : библиографический указатель / Мурм. гос. обл. универс. науч. б-ка ; [сост. Фролова О. Н. ; редкол. : Вовк О. С. и др.]. – Мурманск, 2018. – 136 с.

105 Geological guide of the Barents region 222 Geological heritage of the Lapland reserve 223 Gilyazov A. 219 Gordeev Y. 221 Heavenly fair 224 Johansson P. 222 Kataev G. 226 Khrapov V. 96 Korchak E. A. 86, 87 Krapivin D. S. 88 Large mammals of the Lapland reserve 225 Lauri L. S. 222 Lemmings, voles and shrews of the Kola peninsula 226 Lichens of the north-taiga and mountain landscapes of the Lapland reserve 228 Makarova O. 225 Murmansk region 233 Natalskaya J. 228 Natalskaya O. 225 Nikolaeva S. 223 Osipov D. 228 Physics of auroral phenomena : proceedings of the 40th annual seminar 32 Public joint stock company «Murmansk commercial seaport», 1915- 2015 213 Research on ecosystems of Arctic Seas. – 2017 11 Semenova N. V. 32 XVI international scientific conference for students and postgraduates «Problems of the Arctic Region» 22, 23 Skufina T. P. 93 Spiders of the Lapland reserve 228 X international film and TV festival «The northern character» 145 The Arctic inthe research of the Luzin institute for economicstudies of the KSC of RAS: thirty years of scientific search 81 The Murmansk guide 273 The Russian Arctic: social portrait of the regions 86 Toropushina E. E. 93 Turchaninova T. 96